FAR Part 135 Training Online Course Package Add-ons For Effective Learning

FAR Part 135 is a selection of courses specializing in Part 135 ground training and testing requirements. The course is an online session that enables individuals to participate wherever they are within their comfort spaces. Computer Training Systems provides online courses compatible with most devices such as iPad, making the training user-friendly, enabling clients to access their curriculums easily. The user-friendly nature of the system enables the users to designate initial and recurrent training templates that include a customized General Operations Manual or Flight Operations Manual subjects dedicated to the user operations. The courses get designed to enable clients to achieve the best from their studies and comes with package Add-ons such as:

Electronic Flight Bags (EFB)

The course ensures that pilots have a working knowledge of their EFB devices and their uses to navigate the systems easily and take 1.1 hours to complete. In addition, it covers types of EFBs and applications and procedures for using the EFB in flights and troubleshooting common problems. Additionally, the part 135 training program course fulfills the requirements of Operations Specifications/MSpec/LOA A025 and A061 and equips pilots with a foundational understanding of their EFB devices. The topics addressed within the course include Introduction to EFBs, operation of the EFB, and abnormal and emergency procedures. The course comes with several requirements and resources: AC 1202-76, AC 91-78, Operation Specification /MSPEC/LOA A025, and Operation Specification/MSpec/LOA A061.

International operations

The international operations course provides foundational knowledge that prepares pilots for flights across multiple countries and oceanic regions. The part 135 training program course requirements and resources include FAA Order 8900.1 Vol. 4, Ch. 1 section 5 and Ch.12, section 1, AC 91-70, AC 120-42, AC 90-101, AC 90-96, and 14 CFR 135.167. The course is FAA and ICAO guidelines based and provides the learners with valuable information on the useful resources and the communication and navigation tools for flights in remote airspaces. In addition, the course contains a version that is specific to operations within North America. The program addresses several courses that include ICAO Operational requirements, International Flight Publications, Airspace and Organized Track System, International Flight Plan, and more.

Night Vision Goggles (NVG)

The part 135 training program NVG course focuses on the human factors that enable the successful execution of a flight plan. The course focuses on how the eye works with the NVGs and the different operations associated with NVGs. The course is iPad compatible and takes 1.5 hours with very few requirements and resources, including 61.31 (K), 800.1 Vol 4, CH 7, Sect 4.

Some of the topics addressed within the course include the downside of NVG, human factors, equipment and operation, planning and emergency operations, environment, considerations, and other light sources. The night vision course enables the learners to grasp useful information on how to navigate the plane effectively in dark areas and enables them to overcome the downsides of the NVGs. The proper completion of the course equips the learners with the necessary human factors.

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